Thursday, June 25, 2009

Crash Test

After waiting almost two weeks for my camera, I realized it wasn't the prospect of having a camera that excited me--it was having something to wait for in the first place. When it arrived--finally--I opened it, toyed around with it, and now it sits with the rest of my crap, already just another material object to be taken granted. I need a hobby--one that doesn't require the use of my debit card--and fast, else I start up a collection agency for my poor spending habits.

Next I fancy myself getting a guitar. What the f-ing hell? I know it's wrong, I know I should be saving for textbooks--but I can't stop. It's like watching a train wreck in slow motion, gaping helplessly from the window as it barrels down the slope for the thrashing waters of the river...

Going back to Lakeland for a few days... Nizhshiz is all I'm going to say about that.

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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Bumper to Bumper

Give me my waffle or I will kill you.

What Heero should have said.

I can't make up my mind what kind of person I should be looking for, or if I want to look at all. Dark, silent, standoffish? Funny, sensitive, geeky? Kind, intelligent, charming? What flavor of icecream does this cone want? How many rocks do I have to turn over, how many frogs do I have sort through?

What a shlahp of things I've created for myself. I'm not going to graduate any time soon.

Strange dreams lately. Nothing really concrete I can describe.

I heard a rumor that they're actually going to trade Lecavalier. That's pretty major, if it's true.

Yesterday, since I woke up at 3AM and couldn't go back to sleep, I tried watching the old Yu Yu Hakusho movie, but found the english voice acting so ridiculous--aside from Hiei and Kurama, of course--that I couldn't sit through it.

Woop. I don't feel like doing anything.