Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Sat down with the cello today. I almost cried. What was I afraid of?

Thunder rumbles over the horizon--yet it's still sunny.

Try this--turn off all the lights in the house, pop a good CD in the surround-sound system, lay out on the floor in front of the speakers--and just lose reality for a moment. Forget who you are, what your troubles are, where you are, where you're going, what you have to do...

After a zen moment like that, anything seems possible. Even an hour or two of practice. And boy, is it weird. It's like I never played before and somehow magically and unconsciously learned how to play the cello. Like gaining superpowers overnight. (Well, I wish it sounded super. It sounds like super crap, maybe. Flaming purple crap with corn chunks in it.)

Hm. I'm contemplating pink hair again.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Gas Leak

I've been plagued by these little black spiders that like to viciously shake their abdomens at me as I reach for the Raid. They seem to clone themselves during the daylight hours, though I swear to god they're growing.

Today, I spent probably three hours curled up on window sills with a dirty sponge trying to cleanse the wooden blinds of 13 years of dust. I used this stuff that takes the tarnish off brass--'bout damn near disintegrated the rag... Somehow, I got the little pieces of dusty, sopping wet spent sponge in my mouth every once in a while. I got to listen to the entire Jekyll and Hyde show and sing in relative peace, so I'm happy.

I had a dream--other than the one about smuggling alien alligators or something--that we all broke out in song simultaneously, the same key--everything. It was pretty neat. I had a pretty singing voice. Only in my dreams, right? lol