Tuesday, April 14, 2009


While on a trip to obtain sustenance, I caught sight of the sunset and started crying for the shear overwhelming beauty of it.

I cried because I haven't seen a sky like that since before that day that changed everything. I cried because I haven't stopped to bask in the absolute glory a setting sun can give in years. I cried because it was beautiful, and I am killing it, day by day, breath by breath. And I cried because I felt something surge up inside like warm wind and inflate my heart, spread, and sizzle with intensity. Didn't even care about the passing cars--I just gaped and blinked at the illuminated sky like an over-sized puffer fish. Finally, I parked my ass underneath a tree and just let it out--the last few weeks, the pain, the hatred--it all trickled down into the grass. The wind felt like a cool cloth against burned skin. I waited for the sunset to finally die, but even when the sky turned over and took the gray cloak against her chest, I still found it beautiful. Stumbling away, I felt heavy and sodden, but glorious all the same.

Then I walked back up the dorm and found out I missed the hall meeting.

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