Friday, July 31, 2009

Most interesting dream last night--death on the beach. That sounds like an excellent name for a band...

Woke up, couldn't go back to sleep. I've developed a terrible habit lately of waking up at four or so and convincing myself I have some terrible disease or I'm being personally hunted by every brown recluse in the state. Today it was appendicitis. Turns out I was just hungry.

Anyhow, in my dream I was walking along the beach, suddenly pulled into the surf while a woman narrator described my epic struggle to return to dry shore, very poetically relating this task to life and death. Every crashing wave was another onslaught of trials and hardships in life, pulling me back to the endless sea--and in this case, death and nothingness--and every slight break in the pressure was the little highs in life, quickly followed by another trying, soul-sucking wall of water. It was the most physically taxing thing I think I've ever done, just pulling myself through the very light surf, like my body weighed four times what it should, each clawful of sand so vital and important. It took something deeper and stronger inside to just crawl six or seven feet, and when I was done, I scooted myself around and looked back on my progress, feeling exhausted. A huge wave--larger than all the rest, beautiful and eerily dark and motionless, as if it was made of blue molasses--came tumbling down over the path I made, finally cresting and swallowing me up to take me back out the sea.

I stood up before it hit me, a little bit alarmed--but then I just smiled and kept walking, realizing all along our walks on the beach are but borrowed time--eventually all returns to the void.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Air Vents

That's about the extent of my feelings right now.

After a frustrating forty minutes or so practicing cello in the bathroom--for acoustics, mind you--I grew tired of my fail-at-life attempts to produce a pleasant sound and the putrid stench of cat litter, so I grabbed the bat and headed outdoors to wail on the punching bag out back, Dr. Pepper boxers be damned. Only to find the limb the bag hung on had fallen down, leaving my trip out in the rain and mosquitoes both fruitless and wasted.

Meanwhile, life goes on.

Hey, so that's where I put my keys...

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Sunrise Ave

I have an unbelievably short attention span for someone claiming to be so patient.

Rocky roads ahead--but this time I'm bringing a spare tire and a shot gun. College won't get the best of me this semester.

Doom descends--I feel the cold grasp of death stretching for my ankles every time I look over in the corner at my cello, the image of Mrs. Parrette's fingers securely locked around my throat clear in my mind...

"What the hell is this? You call this a scale?! I call this BULL SHIT."

I learned my lesson about money--I think. No more frivilous spending until I have a job. Then I can fart money for the warm feeling that comfort food gives normal people.

I decided I'm going to create a drill sergent persona to keep me motivated and driven. If it was up to me, I'd sit around all day perfecting the art of sleeping.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Turn off the radio

I wanted to take this time out of my life to say I'm sorry. To all the people I've wronged. All the people who died in wars. All the people who loved and lost. All the people who gave with all their heart. All the people dying, crying, suffering, starving, coughing, bleeding, grieving...I can't understand it at all, why we have to be this way. No amount of education or enlightenment can make me understand suffering. No amount of praying will stop it. No amount of crying or hurting for people I don't even know. I still can't stop feeling this way, ashamed to be so alive and blessed and ungrateful. What can I do, short from joining the Peace Corps or starting a war.
I'm so angry it hurts! What do I do... how do I face myself, as a person, as a human, as a woman, as an American. What do I stand for? Why?

Good god, I'm such a cry baby. One movie about the Holocaust and I'm wiping tears and snot off my face.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Broken Horn

Yu Yu Hakusho is such a gem in my book.

Welcome back, anxiety! I missed you like a festering hole in my gut.

More strange dreams... this morning I had another that I was back in high school, but with only two friends--a goth guy and a punk girl. It seems I wore baggy clothing a lot and hid my hair in a cap, so most people assumed I was a guy. The people at that school probably thought I was pretty weird, since I started dating him half-way through. lol He didn't have eyebrows. Strange, I just remembered that.

Maybe if I get back on track with my cello... that sounds like a smart idea, so I don't have to kill myself two weeks before class starts up again.

I love my family. I never realized how awesome it is to have unconditional love until I'm living in it 24 hours a day.

Oh, hell, I need to mail that thing off to John...