Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Cruise Control

Finally found what my hobby is--walking. I love to walk. Did nothing but that for close to four hours today in total, outside normal travel. It fills up the holes that friends and music leave gaping.

Along my epic quest to the bank after making three pointless ventures from the music building to TuTu's to my dorm, I realized I hate most of my clothes. Wouldn't it be nice to have a wardrobe reflecting the me now instead of my days of fifteen dom? I haven't gotten a new pair of jeans since I was in tenth grade, and even those were hand-me-downs. So I decided I was going to go shopping soon, dunno where--probably thrift stores--and maybe ask my mom to go along, since I automatically associated clothes shopping with her. Then it hit me--I am just a little girl lonely for her mother. It doesn't matter what she does, what she says, what she doesn't do--I still seek her approval, I want her attention, her hugs, anything. She was just never there.

Happy day, I have money in the bank. Can't spend much of it, though.

Had a dream last night--pretty vivid--and in it I was suppose to play this piece titled "Sounds," a cello duet with piano accompaniment. I remember what the second cello part looked like for the first few measures, and I might recall the sound of the piano, but we'll see how far it goes when I laboriously try to recreate it.

I think I want to try and pick up guitar.

Have a few performances next week. Can't say I'm stoked about the cello trio thing--nervous as a duck trying to fly after being pushed off of a six story building--but I think the orchestra concert might not go as bad as I feared.

In astronomy lab, I was looking for M31, a hazy object near some orange star. I looked up, and said, "hey, is it like a gray fingerprint smudge?" They were like, "yeah, yeah! That's impressive, that you got it so quickly"... then I looked around, and saw many other smudges, and realized my binoculars were out of focus and I was really sighting distorted stars.

Quartet rehearsal... hm...

That black guy at TuTu's makes GREAT coffee.

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