Saturday, May 22, 2010


After spending too much time too soon in a recently bug-bombed room, I sympathized with the various creatures I was trying to kill. The moment I set that fog off, I went from simple college student to mass murderer by gas chamber. I've also taken to recreating images from various graphic novels, pictures, images from video games--now I commit plagiarism on a daily basis.

Boredom has made me into a criminal.

Re-beating an old video game for the fourth time should also be a crime--or at least a sign to get a new one. It's--well, I'm picky.

But what greater capital offense can I commit than neglecting my cello duties. Oh, tomorrow, I'll do it--I'll wake up earlier, get a good start...

I'm just waiting for the executioner to get called in--nevermind the jury or the court. I know I'm guilty. God knows I'm guilty. We can skip the unnecessary ceremony and get right to the head chopping.

Among my scattered daydreams, there's one I revisit a lot involving winning the lottery and traveling around the world. It's my favorite one, besides getting dropped with supernatural abilities or suddenly find myself in my favorite show or book. I noticed a trend, though--in all of my musings, I'm in control and independent, two factors I obviously crave and lack in real life. It's the same as the cello--oh, give a few years, I'll be on my feet by then... I can't even say I've always been like this--wishy-washy, indecisive, hesitant, whiny--because I've shown to be very impulsive--and sometimes, reliable and forward. Strong, even. Smart.

Holy cow crap, I'm analyzing daydreams. Come to think of it, I put more thought into Pokemon the papers I wrote in college. (What move gets a STAB bonus and how is that affected by their special attack? When will they ever make a good TV console game? If they're allowing kids to leave home at ten to pursue a vague dream of renown and fortune, who the hell actually gets a job?)

It's no wonder I can't sleep at night.

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