Monday, May 24, 2010


Anthony Warlow never ceases to amuse me on my car trips. I've been in a listening mood lately, and every time he eases into that perfect vibrato, it's like submerging neck-deep into a spa shimmering with bubbles. Oh, I have to shut the windows now when a particular song comes on. I know I must look funny when I'm having one of my eargasims.

Went to Webster today--a little town out in the middle of absolute no where, though I guess I've seen worse. I've seen Bushnell, too--and spent a few summers in Pawnee. I saw a few girls who looked about my age--all very pretty and blonde, usually with a guy or group of similarly dressed people. It made me wonder what I looked like to them--or I even registered at all--but the stands and stands of video games distracted me too greatly to really do a lot of people watching. I also bought a lot of books.

Talking with Steph got me to wanting to write again, to get some of these ideas out of my head on play with them on paper. I keep thinking--ah man, if Steph can get over her writer's block, so can I! I want to read something out loud, too! So I'm doing a lot of reading, since that seems to be the most reliable method to remove this obstruction in my brain. I see pages of a novel in my head when I'm daydreaming, like it's already written down and I'm just reading. Sometimes I'll play with the text--oh, that paragraph would stand out more and be more effective if...

Oh, man, I got this weird urge to practice scales... I just spotted my metronome underneath my gamecube controller.

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